We appreciate your interest in Motivate Pictures. Motivate Picture have a firm policy against accepting unsolicited literary, dramatic, or other materials for consideration. But as we are continuously looking for creative, thought-provoking and original works that reflects our mission statement, as well as our eager support and encouragement of all artist, we are happy to review material that is submitted to us via our submissions email address. Please submit ALL pertinent information (Title, Genre, Logline, Synopsis, Script…etc). These works will be reviewed by Motivate Pictures creative staff once (1) every quarter.
You should also be aware that Motivate Pictures is actively developing and producing a number of motion pictures and other projects, some of which may be similar to the materials you desire to submit.
As a matter of policy, Motivate Pictures make no promises or obligation to any of the material we review. There will be no communication with artists upon receiving their work. If Motivate Pictures finds a project(s) we are interested in, it is our strict policy to contact the content creator immediately, as well as communicate with any/all Agents, Managers, and Legal Council before proceeding further.
Furthermore, we respectfully request that you do not send any additional correspondence relating to your materials or any other screenplay(s) and/or literary materials to anyone who works for Motivate Pictures.
We wish you the best of luck.
Motivate Pictures, LLC