Motivate Pictures Showcase Reel

All content created by Maurice Moore, Alex Rios and Frank Rios

The Place She Dwells trailer

Written, Produced and Directed by Maurice Moore
CInematography by Alex Rios
With: Sarah Niarkos – Maurice Moore
Kelly Dealyn – Peggy Schott

Motivate Pictures’ Déjà Vú trailer

Directed by Alex Rios
Produced By Maurice Moore

Motivate Pictures’ Quarantine “Workout at home Challenge” short film

Directed by Alex Rios
Cinematography by Maurice Moore

Skills – Documentary Series
Episode 1 – Susana Anaya Preview

Produced by Maurice Moore
Created by Alex Rios & Will Yaya
Cinematography by Carles Galí

A League of Our Own – Teaser

Produced by Maurice Moore
Cinematography by Alex Rios

Founding Father Teaser

Motivate Pictures presents a Maurice Moore experience Founding Father.
Produced, written and directed by Maurice Moore.
Cinematography by Frank Rios & Alex Rios.
Edited by Alex Rios.

Motion Graphics Demo Reel

All content created by Alex Rios and Maurice Moore


Anaik Films/Dream Tan Productions
Dir. Maurice Moore
Writers. Mohamed Mohsen/Maurice Moore
DP. Corwin Nunes
Editor. Alex Rios
Music. Benjamin Pedersen
Starring. Vince Adams

Falling to Pieces

Falling to Pieces by Brian Pounds
With Bobbie Grace & Oryan Landa
Cinematography by Alex Rios
Written, Produced and Directed by Maurice Moore