Maurice Moore & Motivate Pictures are excited to welcome an Award-Winning and passionate filmmaker to their creative team. Mrs. Heather Halstead!! Heather is a rising star in the eyes of Motivate Pictures and her recent film “BLUR” is doing fantastic things on the national film festival circuit. It will screen at multiple festivals in Los Angeles/Hollywood area in the coming months. We (Motivate Pictures) are overcome with joy to have someone with her vision, joy for the craft and most important her “Voice” join our team! Along side up and coming visionary filmmakers Alex Rios, and the strong creative team at MoPics Heather will prove to be a real asset to the Motivate Pictures long term success!

So Heather, welcome to the FAMILY! So be fearless, explore all possibilities, push the boundaries and let’s create something special together!! We are confident that will happen. Now…LETS GO TO WORK!!